Hello Friend, I am so glad you are here! Welcome to our sometimes crazy but always beautiful life! I love Jesus, my husband my children and iced coffee. Above is a picture of myself and my husband Jake! We have been together for almost 12 years and have been married for almost 11 years.

We have a seven year old son Marcellous and a one year old daughter Amarah. I am a full time stay at home mama. I also cyber home school my son through Reach Cyber Charter School. And a fun fact about us is we have successfully completed the adoption process of our one year old daughter.

If you are want to add a little more Jesus in your little ones lives follow this link https://beecomingus.com/the-best-mama-of-two-approved-youtube-channels/ it will take you to post which contains a few of our tried and true faith based Youtube channels.

Adoption Finalization Day

If you notice our shirts in the picture above we have Land Before Time shirts on that say Your heart will lead you Home and Amarah’s outfit says Let your heart be your guide. Did you know that Spike from Land Before Time was adopted? I recently learned that Sarah’s name isn’t Sarah but Cera as in TriCERAtops.

I hope you get cozy and stay awhile as we take this journey through life. If you have questions ask we are an open book and would love to interact with you!

I will leave you with one of my favorite bible verses. Here is also a song I am loving. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
